When creating a support ticket there is the option of adding images to the ticket. This allows us to see what you are working with so we may offer more accurate responses to your support questions.
- Be sure the images attached are clear.
- Provide pictures from various angles sometimes helps (depending on the issue)..
- Editing the images to show dimensions (cylinder head to steering components or to the frame regarding header questions are good examples).
Image Size:
When your digital camera or smartphone camera takes a picture, especially in HD (high definition) mode, the image may be quite large depending on your settings. A simple file size comparison to the image taken and then attaching that unedited image to your support ticket would be that the image taken is the size of a Boeing 747 and you are trying to load it into the back of a pickup truck!
Changing the camera settings is the easiest way to solve this problem. Open your camera settings and reduce the default picture size to a lower value.
There are easy ways to shrink the file size of the image without reducing the quality. If you have image editing software on your computer, tablet, or smartphone ... that is one way. The other is to use a FREE online image resize utility. Here are a few links:
Once the images are reduced to be under the file size limits of the uploader they will easily attach to your support ticket.
NOTE: If the image sizes are too large, attaching the image(s) may fail. There is both an individual size limitation per support ticket as well as a total combined file size (of all attachments) limit.